picrew by hunbloom of me

Welcome to my chaos

 Hello!! I am Geck (they/them). I started this site on 12/02/24 with no webdesign background whatsoever. Everything you see on this page I learned through online research. None of this code is copy and pasted (except for the font url and a couple images that provide their own code) and I work very hard to understand everything I am using. That being said, I am sure I am misunderstanding pieces here and there, and I still have not figured out formatting for all screen sizes.

  With that aside, a little about this site!

  • It is still a major WIP, mainly being uploaded so I can share with friends.
  • As I am still learning, I am still figuring out layout, therefor I cannot guarantee that it will look correctly on your screen. Hopefully it can become more reliable as I learn more!
  • There is no genuine Adult content on here, however, I am an adult and am making this with adults in mind. Please keep in mind, especially in the Blog section.
  • I love to be creative, and this is a wonderful outlet for that. I have uploaded one story in the Writing section of this page, and play to upload some of my poety aswell. I would love to one day upload my music, but that is a little terrifying, so put that down as a maybe.

  And finally, about me!!

  • I am 21yo, non-binary and autistic.
  • I live in the US, but wish to one day move out of this country.
  • I have 2 cats named Manny and Kittysaurus. I also have two rats, Meatball and Alfredo, and one rat who has passed on, Noodle.
  • I have been a musician my entire life, ranging from professional opera companies, to rock bands. I sing, and am ok on guitar. I can also kinda sorta play bass and keys, but I haven't had either of those to play on in years.
  • I use a flip phone and do not use social media aside from Reddit, Spacehey, and Tumblr for photos. This is a switch I made back in October of this year, and while it was mainly because my boyfriend did not think I could do it in the beginning, I have grown to love the lack of what feels like constant noise in my pocket 24/7. If anyones interested, I would love to do an entire review on this page about my experience so far!
  • I am a major stoner, and I do not plan on hiding it here. If that is something that makes you uncomfortable, this will not be a safe place for you.
  • Mostly an orphan.

The only other place I check regularly Spacehey

girl with cig that weird emo pic with just feet old text thats making fun of someone gif of stars and a girl vintage picutre in car backseat i have to kill her boyfriend graffiti girl holding joint uglydoll on a computer tree branch black angel

To Do

  • Figure out blinkie marquee
  • Add more ways to contact me
  • Figure out what THE FUCK is wrong with the logo 😡
  • Upload more writing
  • Maybe link another page??
  • Better background

My obsessions.

The simpsons Rick and morty Spirited away ponyo pam from the office drunk raw cones and joints on a book